The Geek Spot
I got your pathetic right here
I'm actually thinking of re-loading Widows 98 on my old, dead laptop. This is the same laptop that I screwed up my Windows 2K install on (don't ask) then couldn't repair because I forgot my admin password (no comments on that either), then couldn't just re-install because I don't have a bootable CD, and there you have it. I tried putting MEPIS on it, but it was too slow.
I am willing to admit defeat on it, really. My thought was, though, I have all these cool old games. Well, two anyway. XCOM:UFO Defense and XCOM:Apocalypse. Love them, and they run perfect under Windows 98. Not so much under Windows 2K and def. not under Windows XP. So my thinking was, I would just make this old laptop my XCOM gaming system, since it is nothing but a very large, very old paperweight. Cool eh? The only fly in the ointment is that I don't have a copy of win 98. It is selling on ebay from 30-80 USD right now. Yeah, right. I am just too cheap to pay that. I also saw some bootable win 2k cDs, but XCOM doesn't run on win 2k, so.
What I need is a cheap or free copy, full version, of win 98. Right.
I also got Age of Empires II Gold version, and I have been playing that when I get a free minute. I was going to get WoW, but defaulted to AOEII instead.
BaltiCon 40
To go or not to go, that is the question.
In a perfect world, there would be no dilemma. I would go. I have other things to worry about, mainly family time and house and garden time. I have a three day weekend that weekend, so it would be incredibly selfish of me to spend it up in North Baltimore by myself at the con. On the other hand I really, really, really want to go.
What to do, what to do.
Oh yeah,
here's the link.
More books
I finished Red Mars. I also just bought Judas Unchained.
Red Mars was good, good enough that I will try and read Green Mars. I was a bit distracted during the reading, and I think a lot of the finer plot points were lost on me. I would get to a certain part of the book, and I wouldn't have "seen it coming". I have yet to determine if the blame is truly my own, or a shortcoming of the author's. It was a good book, however. It was a very plot driven story, with interesting characters (who all seemed to end up dead, no matter).
I just bought Judas Unchained, by Peter Hamilton.
Note to authors. Please, please please. Include a synopsis at the beginning of your sequel novel. J.R. Tolkien did this in his Lord of the Rings saga, it made reading it much nicer. You didn't have to depend on your own crappy memory to remember what happened. I tend to have a life (not much, but one nonetheless), and it is very hard for me to remember the finer plot plots when it can be up to a year between books for me. I am having a hard time starting Judas Unchained because I can't remember what exactly all the characters were doing at the end of Pandora's Star. Judas Unchained starts up right st the end, as far as I can tell, and it is rough going.
Podcasting for slackers?
I am very behind on my podcast listening. I still have 'casts from January that I have to listen to. Yikes.
This is my totally geeky blog. I will be giving updates on all my sci-fi related gossip, the latest and coolest podcasts I have discovered, where my writing is at, and a whole lot more.