The Geek Spot
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
  Day 8 update
I was almost on target. I was hoping to do some work during lunch, but I had a working luch and I was incredibly busy at work today. I got home late from work and i started writing at 9pm, I just finished for the night, it is 11:21. I had to go to my sick child a few times, I ate a sandwich, and I did some spacing out. I did manage to crank out just over 2500 words, giving me a total word count so far of:

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
12,606 / 50,000

So I am 400 words short of my goal.

Updated 11-9-05: I had a billion typos so I fixed those. Also, my son woke up screaming so I had to go get him. Then I held my screaming baby while I published what I had written so far and shut down. I hope to get an additional 3500 words written today. Is it possible?
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