Day 13.5
It is actually Day 14, but I am still in the process of writing, so.
The novel is progressing. I am typing at the 1667 words/day mark. I was hoping for the 2000 words/day mark, but no cheese.
Here's the meter so far.
Oh yeah, today's subsection is titled:
How I hate Microsoft, let me count the ways.
I hate window update. I had ASSUMED that since the annoying messages prompting me to install SP2 had ceased, XP had went behind my back and installed it. NO. That did not occur. What occured instead was a series of fatal errors. Every time I tried to open a program, there would be some random error message, and if I sent the error report in (ha ha ha) the screen would say, "Install SP2, dumbass". So I did, because I wanted to open some programs, it took like 4 hours. Grrrr.